Welcome to our site

Tony Koenderman is a leading commentator and analyst of the advertising and marketing industry, and has been writing about it for more than 20 years. For most of that time he has been responsible for publishing annuals about advertising, in association with various publications.

Phone: 083 561 1171
Fax: 086 627 9896
Email: adbrainstorm@telkomsa.net

Tony Koenderman in partnership with Terry Barker put on an annual conference covering the hottest key issues of the advertising, marketing and online industry.

Come to look, listen, learn, see and be shocked and inspired.
LOOK as Mike Abel explains how the new marketing landscape changes everything.
LEARN from Julian Ribeiro why we need to reinvent the ad agency.
BE SHOCKED as Gavin Heron describes the crisis in advertising.
LISTEN as Derek Carstens explains the World Cup miracle and adds up the final tally.
SEE why Walter Pike says almost everything you know about branding is wrong.
CHALLENGE the panel in debate.
One subject is -
"Are traditional agencies still fit to lead the brand?
are digital agencies ready?"

An interactive session in which you are invited to debate the major issues facing the advertising business with a panel that includes:

Mike Abel, Julian Ribeiro, Gavin Heron and Walter Pike.

Fran Luckin executive creative director of Ogilvy JHB, who will also co-present with Julian Ribeiro, and Nikki Cockroft, CEO of Primedia Online.

21 October 2010 Southern Sun (Grayston Hotel)

09H00 sharp - 16H30




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